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  6. 3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finish Premium Wood, Matte, PW-2310MT, 1220 mm x 50 m

3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finish Premium Wood, Matte, PW-2310MT, 1220 mm x 50 m

  • 3M ID 7100252364
  • UPC 04550309094133
Puulajit Tammi
Muotoiluperhe Puu
Käyttökohde Uusi rakenne, Kunnostaminen, Koristeellinen pintaviimeistely
Uusi tuotetyyppi 2021
Puusävy Keskisuuri
Kuosi Premium-puu

Over 1000 patterns, colors and textures for more design freedom

More cost effective versus traditional construction materials

Quick and easy installation with less downtime, noise and disruption

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Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
  • Over 1000 patterns, colors and textures for more design freedom
  • More cost effective versus traditional construction materials
  • Quick and easy installation with less downtime, noise and disruption
  • Resistant to common stains, cleaners and disinfectants
  • Easy to clean, disinfect and maintain
  • Excellent durability compared to traditional interior surface materials

3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes are interior finishes that can help you quickly remodel and reuse new or existing surfaces with over 1000 design options, all while limiting material and labor costs, downtime and construction waste. Available for a wide range of applications, these on-trend design finishes can be applied to interior surfaces such as walls, columns, doors and cabinets, including complex curved (3D) surfaces. 3M™ Comply™ Adhesive technology virtually eliminates air bubbles, simplifying and speeding up the application process.


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Samankaltaiset tuotteet

Puulajit Tammi
Muotoiluperhe Puu
Käyttökohde Uusi rakenne, Kunnostaminen, Koristeellinen pintaviimeistely
Uusi tuotetyyppi 2021
Puusävy Keskisuuri
Kuosi Premium-puu
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